
Online and in person counseling services and mental health evaluations

Phone: 678-292-3572, Fax: 678-306-4801

Licensed professional counselor, national certified counselor, certified grief specialist, Certified Masters Addiction Counselor

About Lawanda Miles

Community Action Counseling Services LLC was founded by Lawanda Miles. Lawanda is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and board-certified therapist based in Georgia. Lawanda is passionate about providing services to individuals and families. She earned her undergraduate degree in Psychology and Master’s Degree in Professional Counseling at Georgia State University. Throughout her clinical experiences, she has provided psychotherapy to individuals with a history of trauma, domestic violence, and abuse, and has worked with attorneys, foster care, and the legal system as a whole. Professionally, Lawanda has over 20 years of experience with direct care and specializes in helping clients overcome trauma, grief, addiction, anxiety, and depression. Also, Lawanda has provided community-based care to individuals and families ranging from behavioral health, biopsychosocial assessment, grief counseling, and addiction.

Comprehensive Immigration Evaluations

Are you seeking professional support for your immigration case? I specialize in providing comprehensive evaluations for asylum, VAWA, and Hardship cases, helping clients navigate the complexities of the immigration process. With extensive experience in therapy, I am uniquely equipped to offer compassionate assessments that thoroughly address your psychological needs. My goal is to provide a safe, supportive space while ensuring your story is accurately represented for your case.

2x 1 hr Sessions + Evaluation | $700


CACS is here to support immigrants’ access to quality mental health services, including evaluations for U-Visa, Hardship waiver, and VAWA.

We understand that navigating the immigration process can be overwhelming, especially for individuals who have experienced trauma. Our team of dedicated therapists specializes in completing immigration evaluations and providing support for immigrants who have experienced trauma.

We bring a unique perspective and understanding. We are committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment for all our clients, regardless of their background or life experiences. Everyone deserves to feel heard, seen and validated in their journey.

Our immigration evaluations are thorough, ensuring all necessary information is included to support your case, and we will speak to your attorney and judge to coordinate your case needs. We also provide individualized treatment plans tailored to your needs and goals. Our trauma-informed approach allows us to create a safe and supportive space for you to process your experiences and move forward in an empowering way.

As a licensed psychotherapist specializing in Immigration Psychological Evaluations, I’ve written dozens of detailed, evidence-based reports that have helped individuals and families navigate these high-stakes situations with greater confidence. I provide evaluations that not only document your experience but also highlight the human side of your journey in a way immigration officials can understand. Together, we’ll discuss your case, conduct a thorough evaluation, and create a report with clinical recommendations tailored to strengthen your application.

If you or someone you know is looking for a psychological evaluation to assist with an immigration case, Lawanda Miles LPC is able to provide these services. These evaluations are used in immigration court as they can add very valuable evidence to your case.

If you are an immigrant who has experienced trauma, know you are not alone. Our team at CACS is here to support you every step of the way. We understand how critical this process is, and are committed to supporting you with compassion, sensitivity, and professionalism.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first steps toward your goals.


Types of Evals:

Asylum, Hardship Waiver, T-Visa, U-Visa, VAWA

Age Ranges Seen:


Payment Types Offered:

Payment in-full, Payment plans, Sliding Scale


$700.00 for evaluations Additional Fee for Expedited Evals: $200.00 (Within 1 week)

Limited sliding scale spots available, inquire during consultation*

What are Immigration Evaluations?

To put it simply, an immigration evaluation is a type of mental health assessment a provider conducts with an individual to help them or their family with the immigration process. There are two components to an evaluation: the interview and the written report. Additionally, there are several types of evaluations:

1. Extreme hardship waiver & cancellation of removal

2. Asylum, VAWA, U & T visas

3. Naturalization waivers or N-648

What is an Immigration Evaluation?

An immigration evaluation, also known as an immigration psychological evaluation, is simply any type of mental health evaluation used in an immigration case.

The specific requirements and procedures for immigration evaluations vary depending on the immigration category under consideration. However, the evaluation typically involves assessing various aspects of the individual’s background and circumstances to determine their eligibility for immigration. This may include information about their family, trauma history, and mental health.

What are the Different Types of Immigration Evaluations?

There are many types of immigration evaluations, but the most common fall into one of three main categories:

1. Extreme hardship waiver & cancellation of removal: In these, you evaluate a US citizen or LPR (lawful permanent resident) to determine how they would be affected if their immigrant family member was not permitted to remain in the US.

2. Asylum, VAWA, U & T visas: These types of evaluations are all based on a past traumatic experience. In these, you are evaluating the immigrant to determine the trauma’s effect on them.

3. Naturalization waivers or N-648: This is a waiver for someone unable to take the naturalization test due to cognitive or severe psychological impairments. . Naturalization waivers (N-648) can only be completed by a medical doctor or a clinical psychologist licensed to practice in the United States.

How Do You Complete an Immigration Evaluation?

A trained clinician meets with clients in person or via a HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform. Clinicians usually meet with clients 1-3 times, but this varies depending on the type of case, age of the client, and timeline.

The clinician asks about the client’s background, daily life, mental health, and other relevant factors. Depending on the case, clinicians may also use additional questionnaires or testing to complete their assessment.

The clinician then writes a comprehensive report that assesses any mental health symptoms within the scope of an immigration case and summarizes their findings and how they relate to the immigration case. Clinicians also offer recommendations for ongoing treatment, if relevant.

$700.00 for evaluations

Additional Fee for Expedited Evals: $200.00 (Within 1 week)*

How to Find Us

Fill up the Form and Ask Your Queries


4405 Mall Blvd Suite 135C
, Union City GA 30291





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